Hard Top - Alpha Type-E+

Hardtop Alpha Type-E+ für Fiat Fullback (2015 -).

Loading area hard tops is a sensational solution enabling to utilize values offered by "pick-up" vehicles. 
By installing a hard top over the loading area we are able to fully utilize it and protect it against weather conditions and third persons.

Hardtop Alpha Type-E+ für Fiat Fullback (2015 -).

Loading area hard tops is a sensational solution enabling to utilize values offered by "pick-up" vehicles. 
By installing a hard top over the loading area we are able to fully utilize it and protect it against weather conditions and third persons.

Ausstattung des Hard Tops:
- Relings,
- Innenverkleidung,
- Bremslicht,
- beheizte Heckscheibe,
- Innenbeleuchtung,
- verdunkelte Seitenscheiben (gekippt),
- Verriegelung mit Schloss.

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